The Suvivors of Suicide Project

The Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Project was individually founded by Second Life avatar, Krissy Sinclair. The mission of the project is to educate SL users on suicide prevention and depression while also fighting the stigma of suicide cross-culturally in society. SOS puts an emphasis on suicide prevention within the lesbian, gay, and transgender community. They provide RL help local to users all across the world. While the SOS Project has incredible educational value, it also provides support to people who have lost a loved one due to suicide.

The project offers an array of resources that are both educational and immersive. Educationally, the project offers information regarding the prevention of suicide and depression. It offers constructive advice for people to share with others who may be considering suicide. There are helpful tips on how to demystify the myths associated with suicide in an attempt to eliminate the social stigma.

Immersively, the project offers an open SIM to the public where people can gather to play games, talk openly in a group chat, and post artwork or poems onto a message board. One of the most touching aspects of the SIM is the area of remembrance for those who have lost their lives due to suicide. Friends and family can come light a candle and leave a note in memory of a loved one completely free of charge. Most importantly, the project offers RL resources to those in need all over the globe. It features some large LGBT organizations, such as:

  • The No H8 Campaign , an organization targeted to support lesbian, gay, and transgender people in need.
  • TAVA, an organization founded in 2003 to address the growing concerns of fair and equal treatment of transgender veterans and active duty service members.
  • F.A.T.E., an international foundation for the awareness of transgender equality.
  • There are many more resources available, and they are organized by region across the world. No matter where you are, there is help.

    If you wish to get involved, there are a number of ways to do so. You can volunteer as a researcher, greeter, promotion person, mentor, scripter, builder, translator, or artist.

    The SOS Project is currently 350 members strong. You can join the SL group or subscribomatic group. Continue the support of the independently ran SOS Project today!