CMSI 370
Interaction Design
Fall 2014
- Note
- This page is maintained as an archival record of the course shown above, and as such, some links on this page may no longer be valid nor accessible. They are kept here as a record of the resources that were available at the time of the course offering.
- Syllabus
- Bazaar: Where you’ll find our sample code
- is the starting point for a free-for-education private GitHub repository
- How to Ask Questions the Smart Way: Follow these tips to improve the quality and efficiency of the help that you get
- Assignment 0902: 4d, 4e, 4f
- Assignment 0925: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4d, 4e, 4f
- Assignment 1021: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4d, 4e, 4f
- Assignment 1030: 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f
- Assignment 1127: 1a, 1b, 2b, 4d, 4e, 4f
- Assignment 1204: 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f
Handouts/Other Content
- 0826: Interaction Design Overview
- 0916: Interaction Design Guidelines
- 0918: Interaction Design Principles
- 0923: Interaction Design Theories
- 1002: Menus, Forms, and Dialogs
- 1014: Modern Web Sites, Annotated (Prezi)
- 1030: Direct Manipulation
- 1104: Affordances
Related External Links
These links take you to web sites beyond this server. The sites are in no particular order or bias, just as they came to mind.
- Wikipedia: A good starting point for virtually any concept lookup (emphasis on starting point)
- The Daily WTF has its share of interaction design fiascos (among others)
- The Git home page
- The jsFiddle home page
- The jQuery home page
- The Bootstrap home page
- The official W3C Validator
LaTeX Resources
- The LaTeX home page
- Dr. Toal’s Using LaTeX web page
- The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX 2e (2.2M PDF)
- LaTeX 2e Cheat Sheet (106K PDF)
- Annotated LaTeX Guide
- The MikTeX home page: A popular LaTeX implementation
- MacTeX: A Mac-specific LaTeX distribution
“Guru” Web Sites
- The Nielsen-Norman Group:
- Don Norman:
- Bruce Tognazzini:
- Edward Tufte:
Published Design Guidelines and Principles
- The latest version of the one that started it all: OS X Human Interface Guidelines
- Microsoft’s Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines
- Android User Interface Guidelines
- Google User Experience Design Principles: i.e., How to create a “Googley” user experience
- Web site development guide published by the United States government (specifically, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
- iOS Human Interface Guidelines
Web Page Development Resources
- The official, “stewarded” documentation site for the latest web technologies
- The Mozilla Developer Network: Lots of information here, for all levels
- Chrome Experiments: Not exclusively for the Chrome browser, but using it helps
- HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet: A well-made one-page HTML5 reference (PDF download is somewhere on that page)
- The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C): The ultimate authority, but may be too much for a beginner
- A simple CSS tutorial “from the ground up” from Web Page Design for Designers
- CSS notes from Prof. Ray Toal’s Internet technologies course
- The Firebug home page: Don’t develop on Firefox without it
- The Safari Dev Center: Of particular note are any articles focusing on Mobile Safari on iOS devices
Cocoa/Objective-C Resources
Depending on time and resource availability, we may have a chance to take a peek into this platform.
- The iOS Dev Center: Headquarters for iOS development; LMU has a portal here, and you will be a part of it
- The Mac Dev Center: Headquarters for Mac development
Research Projects and Prototypes
- Work in progress: Head-tracking 3D tablet display
- Work in progress: Adaptive touch-type keyboard for multitouch displays
- Work in progress: Integrated speech and video user interface
- Recently graduated: Kinect (the prototype formerly known as “Project Natal”)
- Gone mainstream: Jeff Han’s multitouch interaction research