HNRS 2200
Cogitations on Computation
Honors Nature of Science, Technology, & Mathematics
Spring 2019
- Note
- This page is maintained as an archival record of the course shown above, and as such, some links on this
page may no longer be valid nor accessible. They are kept here as a record of the resources that were available at
the time of the course offering.
- Brightspace:
Where you can access class screengrab video links and check your grades
- We will look at some lessons from
Khan Academy
- We will write code using
and possibly CodePen
- How to Ask
Questions the Smart Way: Follow these tips to improve the quality and efficiency of the help
that you get
- Dr. Philip Dorin’s email
screed: A practical companion to “How to Ask Questions the Smart Way,” appropriate not only
for email but all electronic text-based communication in general
Assignment 0122 YouTube,, and CodePen account
listing: 20 points
Video journal entries
(roughly every other Friday, except for the week of Easter break): 0125, 0208,
0222, 0308, 0322, 0405, 0416, 0503 (overall recap)
0322: Reflect on what you have learned in class in light of
this blog post
- Of the links embedded, read at least the crowd-sourced Twitter feed of the actual talk…
- …and the speaker’s own mini-summary
- Do some Research & Exhibition review (or foreshadowing) on the speaker/blogger,
Mark Guzdial—who is he? What is he known for? What are his credentials? What is his expertise?
- Follow at least one of the other embedded links depending on what interests you,
and reference this/these link(s) on your video: Why did you find it interesting?
Does it relate at all to what we’ve been doing in this class?
Overall, would you agree or disagree with the speaker’s vision on the role of computer science
in 21st-century literacy? (especially considering your exposure to it in this course so far)
0405: Recap your overall game-creation experience, plus start reading Alan Turing’s seminal work
“Computing Machinery and Intelligence:”
There are other copies out there if neither one suits your mood. Report your first impressions on
this article after talking about
Global Thermonuclear War.
Programming/technical assignments (details TBD as the class develops):