Fall 2007
- Note
- This page is maintained as an archival record of the course shown above, and as such, some links on this page may no longer be valid nor accessible. They are kept here as a record of the resources that were available at the time of the course offering.
All materials are in PDF. Sorry, you won’t find source code or solutions here; contact me directly for those.
- Syllabus
- Annotated LaTeX Guide
- Anti-plagiarism resources
- 0830: Interaction Design Overview
- 0906: Interaction Design Guidelines
- 0913: Interaction Design Principles
- 0920: Interaction Design Theories
- 0927: Direct Manipulation
- 1004: Menus, Forms, and Dialogs
- 1004: Command and Natural Language Interaction, Input and Output Devices, Collaboration
- 1004: Annotated Bibliography Grading Criteria
- 1025: Affordances
- 1108: Proposal Outline/Description
- 1115: Information Retrieval & Information Visualization
- 1129: Evaluating Interface Designs
Related External Links
These links take you to Web sites beyond this server. The sites are in no particular order or bias, just “as they came to mind.”
- Tools
- Wikipedia: A good starting point for virtually any concept lookup (emphasis on starting point)
- Bad Human Factors Designs: a “daily WTF” for interaction design
- And of course, the original Daily WTF has its share of interaction design fiascos (among others)
- “Guru” Web sites
- Jakob Nielsen: useit.com
- Don Norman: jnd.org
- Jef Raskin (1943-2005): jefraskin.com
- Bruce Tognazzini: asktog.com
- Edward Tufte: edwardtufte.com
- Published design guidelines
- Research projects and prototypes
- The Croquet project
- Project Looking Glass: Sun Microsystems Web site, open source Web site
- Jeff Han’s multitouch interaction research
- Frameworks and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
- Java Swing
- The Swing Connection
- The official Java Swing Tutorial
- The Swing Introduction to Drag-and-Drop and Data Transfer
- The JOGL home page
- Sun’s Core Java Technologies Tech Tip on JOGL
- Chris Adamson’s article on Jumping into JOGL
- Web
- W3 Schools: Nice try-it-yourself feature here
- The HTMLHelp.com
- The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C): The ultimate authority, but may be too much for a beginner
- A simple CSS tutorial “from the ground up” from Web Page Design for Designers
- CSS notes from Prof. Ray Toal’s Internet technologies course
- The Web Developer Extension home page: Extremely useful, and free!
- Cocoa
- iUI
- Java Swing