HIV Prevention and Education Center

The HIV Prevention and Education Center was created by avatar Lizzette Zenovka in 2008. Lizzette is a real life social worker who has been working in the field of HIV/AIDS for over 15 years. She mainly works with people that are affected by HIV/AIDS but also those who are at high risk of infection. Currently, she works at the Bronx AIDS Services which is one of the many informational services that are listed within this SL center.

The center consists of two floors, the first mostly concerned with HIV/AIDS prevention and the second containing more information about living with HIV/AIDS. Throughout both floors, there are many powerpoint presentations for users to read and get a better understanding of what HIV/AIDS really is. Most of the “exhibits” also contain notecards and urls for users to visit to get an even more information if they so desire. Lizzette's creation not only makes users more aware of HIV/AIDS is, but it also provides support for those who may or may not have the infection. Not only do the presentations provide useful information, but they also help people to understand how they should handle the infection. Lizzette herself also provides counseling for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Lizzette's Blog for the SL HIV Prevention and Education Center
Lizzette's Second Life HIV/AIDS Support Wiki
Second Life URL