USC Institute for Creative Technologies

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Assessment and Treatment (PTSD)

Classified as an anxiety disorder, characterized by aversive anxiety-related experiences, behaviors, and physiological responses that develop after exposure to a psychologically traumatic event (sometimes months after).

Numerous reports and study's reports soldiers and veterans suffer some form of PTS.

ICT's Assessment and Treatment Approach:

After 10 sessions 80% of the patients showed significant improvements.

Virtual Humans

Used in simulated training where characters you interact with are 3D images that have been "taught" to learn behaviors, converse, exhibit emotion and reason with the trainee.

Widely considered the most advanced research project of its kind ICT opens the door to endless possibilities of teaching and learning.

Projects include focus areas around:

Project "Sergeant Star"

Cognitive Learning

Through compelling interactive media and unique collaborations, how students learn is rapidly changing. Using VR technology to solve problems around social skills associated with higher functioning autism.

Project- VR Augmentation of Social Skills Training for Autism.

Current state - As of August 1, 2009 funding on a formal project by ICT was started to assemble a collaborative team of technologists, faculty and students to adapt a VR paradigm for an initial study of 40 HFA and 40 comparison students.