CMSI 2022

Mobile Application Development

Spring 2022

This page is maintained as an archival record of the course shown above, and as such, some links on this page may no longer be valid nor accessible. They are kept here as a record of the resources that were available at the time of the course offering.
  • Brightspace: Where you can access private content and check your grades
  • We will use GitHub Classroom to manage and submit assignments
  • Every now and then we may use Socrative to ask or answer questions as a class—my Socrative room is DONDILMU
  • We continue to live in very fluid and dynamic circumstances—make sure to follow the university’s pandemic portal for the latest news, updates, and policies—to which this class must, of course, adhere


  • Assignment 0210 Standalone mobile app Setup
  • Assignment 0310  extended to 0314  Generic API-backed mobile app Setup
  • Assignment 0405  extended to 0411  Firebase-backed mobile app Setup
    • Get going hands-on with “BareBonesBlog”—another “assignment” in GitHub Classroom that is actually a sample project from which you can start learning Firebase
    • Unlike APIdex, BareBonesBlog does not work right out of the box! To introduce you to Firebase, you will need to follow the instructions in the README—to be walked through in class—in order to get it up and running
    • The Firebase website is of course the authoritative site for all things Firebase
    • The non-web aspects of Dr. Toal’s Firebase page provides additional background and links
    • Firestore, which is one of the databases available for use with Firebase, is an entire subsystem in itself. In addition to its main website, a Getting to Know Cloud Firestore YouTube playlist is available
  • Assignment 0505 Your own mobile app Setup
    • Dr. Toal’s Project Ideation page adds structure to an otherwise open-ended process
    • Beyond this course: if you remain interested in iOS mobile app development, strongly consider connecting to WWDC 2022 from June 6–10, 2022
    • Student opportunity: WWDC 2022 includes the Swift Student Challenge—yes, the challenge requires a Swift Playgrounds app and the contest deadline overlaps with our final app assignment, so you will need to either work on a separate project at the same time or come up with a project that fulfills both the challenge and assignment requirements…still, may be worth it, right?

Course Content and Useful Links