CMSI 698/598

Special Studies: Open Source Software Development Workshop

Summer 2006, Session I

This page is maintained as an archival record of the course shown above, and as such, some links on this page may no longer be valid nor accessible. They are kept here as a record of the resources that were available at the time of the course offering.

All materials are in PDF. Sorry, you won’t find source code or solutions here; contact me directly for those.

Related External Links

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Materials and Texts

Sampling of Open Source Projects and Sites

  • SourceForge: Home site for many open source projects
  • Java-centric open source projects
  • Open Bioinformatics Foundation: Starting point for open source bioinformatics projects
  • Eclipse: Open source software development platform
  • Mozilla: Wide variety of projects, typically net-centric (e.g., Firefox, Thunderbird)
  • Apache: Home of the open source Apache HTTP Server, among many others
  • Apache Jakarta: Java-centric projects by the Apache Software Foundation
  • Open source multiplatform office suite
  • MediaWiki: Home of the software that powers Wikipedia, among others
  • PostgreSQL: An industrial-strength, open source database management system
  • Hibernate: Open source object-relational mapping
  • Xdoclet: Open source code annotation and generation utility

Open Source Projects I’ve “Touched”

  • XMLPipeDB: Open source tool chain for importing XML data into relational databases; includes GenMAPP Builder, an application for creating GenMAPP database files from UniProt and Gene Ontology (GO) data sets
  • openSourcePACS: Open source image referral, archiving, routing and viewing system; includes Shag, a Swing user interface supplementary library, and Razor, a medical image viewer toolkit
  • Batchboard: Authoring/scripting application that exposes traditional command-line, stream I/O-based programs as graphical objects that can be operated upon using direct manipulation