CMSI 486

Introduction to Database Systems

Fall 2005

This page is maintained as an archival record of the course shown above, and as such, some links on this page may no longer be valid nor accessible. They are kept here as a record of the resources that were available at the time of the course offering.

All materials are in PDF. Sorry, you won’t find source code or solutions here; contact me directly for those.

Related External Links

These links take you to Web sites beyond this server. The sites are in no particular order or bias, just “as they came to mind.”

  • The PostgreSQL home page: an industrial-strength, open source database management system
  • Comparison between MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • The Hibernate home page: object-relational mapping between Java and a relational database system
  • Wikipedia: A good starting point for virtually any concept lookup
  • Data, data, data: some sources for free, downloadable data sets (Note: volumes of data are just that — data; it’s still up to you to build an interesting or useful application around this information)
    • UW XML Data Repository: various data sets, all in XML format
    • FDA Drug Database: a free basis for a pharmacy/prescription application
    • Free stock market data can be gotten for the S&P 500 Index
    • For the New York Stock Exchange, historical statistics are available
    • The Internet Movie Database provides its data files for personal, non-commercial use
    • A New Music Database of American concert music since 1980 can be downloaded from the Department of Music Theory at Indiana University
    • Gracenote, the company that provides CD lookup services for music applications such as Apple’s iTunes, licenses its service free of charge for non-commercial developer use. Note that this isn’t an actual database, but a developer’s kit for accessing their database — but it provides a great deal of music information that you can use in your own applications
    • Many game Web sites, such as GameSpot and GameBanshee, provide game guides with content that can be parsed into databases (game items, maps, locations, quests). Make sure you check on any restrictions on using this information.
  • Official description of the Data Access Object design pattern